2008 / UK / 01’ 20’’ / 16:9 / Colour / Stereo / Digital Cut-Outs
A humorous take on the effects of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) in the everyday life situations of a young woman.
Director Avgousta Zourelidi
Editor Michael Aaglund
Sound Design Jussi Honka
OCD Film Festival, USA 2012
OCD International Animation Festival, USA 2011
International Short Film Festival Hamburg/Germany
Sopot Film Festival/Poland
International Animation Festival Animadrid/Spain
Exposures Film Festival/UK
6th European Animated Film Festival Balkanima/Serbia
One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau/Switzerland
5. OfestivalOn Short Film Festival/Spain
10. up-and-coming Int. Film Festival Hannover/Germany
Festival du Court Metrage de Neufchateau/Belgium
3rd Future Film Festival - BFI London/UK
BBC Big Screens/U.K.
© National Film and Television School 2008